Tuesday, January 01, 2019

A long time coming

I'm starting up my blog again, the one I began when I went to Europe for about 8 months, back in 2006, which I continued while working on a farm in Western Virginia, and into my first year living in Portland, Oregon.

After this, I got a little distracted opening and running Humming Hive for over 7 years.

 That was quite the journey itself, and I am so grateful for the experience, the community that grew out of it, and all of the memories shared in the forest with the children, their families, and other teachers.

Well, I've made a big loop, or a spiral of some kind and now I've decided to head down a trail that I passed by a long time ago. In fact, I was contemplating, planning even, choosing this trail when all of a sudden the option came along of free airfare to Europe and a lovely invitation for a bus tour through Germany with family. If you want to know how that trip turned out, go back to the first post. If you're just here for current events, follow along from here.

So I've been dreaming about this Southern journey for almost 15 years. The full vision is visiting all countries in Central and South America, beginning with Mexico. I loved to imagine myself taking years to complete this journey.  Well, it seems that this is a hard vision to get started on, perhaps a bit overwhelming.  So I'm taking baby steps. 3 months in Southern Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala. Will this inspire me to continue farther? Or will I wait a few years for the next leg of the journey? Or will this fully satisfy my wanderlust? (Ha! That one is doubtful!)

I'll be documenting my journey here with pictures and stories. Thank you for reading! Please enjoy!

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