Wednesday, February 14, 2007

an american girl in tenerife

i am in this weird world. where everyone is speaking my language, but then i realize no one speaks my language. i thought i spoke english, but it´s not true. the english people speak english. even australians speak more english than i do. i thought i was in spain, or at least islands that belong to spain. but there are so many tourists here and english people living on the island, that i am lucky if i get to practice my spanish at all in a week.
and these people who supposedly speak the same language as me, they don´t eat eggplants, butternut squash or zucchini. they eat aubergines, pumpkins, and courgettes (spelling?). they don´t eat dessert either, they eat pudding.
oh, but it is strange, to be the only american on this island. it´s highly possible. i don´t know why it´s strange, but it is. just believe me.

life on the farm is still nice. the family is on vacation in england, so it´s really just me and matthias, the other wwoofer, running the place. there are 9 parts of the farm, separated by concrete walls, on different levels, because the farm is on a big hill. but we talk about turning #1 into a labyrinth, #2 is going to be the miniature golf course... what was #3 going to be?, oh, and #4 is going to be a field of violets. that one was my idea. or we might just have the biggest party on the island. or we might just keep feeding the chickens, eating bananas, and grow some vegetables.

it´s really nice to help other people with their farms and their businesses, and learn a lot in the process, but i am realizing every day how much i really would like my own land, or my own land with other people. i want to build treehouses in the forest and grow lots of gardens, and fruit too. and so much more!! the way that we want to do it. and i am telling you all this, because i am wondering if any of you want to come and be part of this we, or know of anyone who has land already and wants to start something. Yeah, that´s the hard part. Land. Money. Where? How? Who? I am hoping that it will be easier than it sounds, but until then, i am just going to be writing down all my ideas, and taking people´s names down who might be interested. It would be nice to find some land with a castle on it. but i guess that might be a little out of my price range, not that land without a castle on it is in my price range. but a river would be nice too. and we could have a bamboo forest and goats and ducks. does anyone feel me on this one? okay, well we don´t have to have goats, but there have to be at least 2 ducks...

oh, and i´m still looking for someone to go on a canoe with me to row, row row our boat gently down the stream. and i think i still want to go down through mexico, central america, and probably south america too. i mean why not? okay, well, because there´s still africa to cover, and eastern europe. anyone want to ride a camel with me from morocco to timbuktu? my sources say it takes about 52 days. that´s less than 2 months.

okay, well, there´s my little advertisement. you have some time to think about these things because i´m probably not going to be done with spain until summer, or after summer, and really, i have no idea what´s going to happen in the next month. Except i´m going to the Festival of the Green Dragon on the 16th of March, which is a free music and arts festival in orgiva, in granada.


1 comment:

brit! said...

hello darling~ you can count me all in for the farm, but i haven't got a clue where to find money yet. i have some connections to land in upstate new york, but that's sooooo cold! additionally, i have a list of folks on my end who are also interested so we can pool our human resources and make one hell of a farming community. yeah!

i'm still undecided as to what adventure i will partake in when i leave seattle in july. so keep in touch and i may just join you on that camel ride :)

i sent you love on valentine's day- did you feel it?

also, i've found a tree in my neighborhood that reminds me of you- it looks like a dr.seuss tree and it makes me smile- did you feel it :)

i love you and miss you.

glad to read about your adventures!