Tuesday, January 09, 2007

welcome to the wonderful world of whims. here in the land of christy, we get an idea of what to do, and we just go. forget about research, planning, reservations...what fun would there be in those things? in my world, it is easier to go somewhere hours away by bus and ask in person how much the ferry is, instead of calling someone or looking up on the internet how much it is. or even what time the bus leaves.
so i got to the bus station in alicante around 10 in the morning, but the bus didnt leave until 3. so a little waiting. then a bus ride where i watched some movie with julia roberts and hugh grant in spanish. i get to granada, halfway, and find out that i have to wait 7 hours, until 3 in the morning, for the next bus to cadiz. it ends up being a good thing, because i get to cadiz in the morning about 24 hours after i left the farm. i get off the bus, and head to the hostel my lonely planet guide told me about. oh, and in the world of christy, we dont take taxis, even when we have money, and the taxis are right there across the street from the bus station. so i walk for about fifteen minutes with my backpacks, and finally find the hostel, which isnt a hostel anymore. mierda! so i find the next cheapest hotel in the lonely planet, get there and it says cerrado, closed. one down the street, closed as well. mierda! mierda! mierda! but in my world, i know there is always something good that happens next. so i walk a little bit to find a place to sit down and think. and after a couple blocks i see the banyan trees. ohhhh how i love banyan trees. it is my favorite tree. so it must be a good sign. i am about to sit down on a bench underneath it, when i look over to the left, and i see the tourist office. i figure at least i can ask when the ferry leaves. maybe it will be leaving today, and i can just get on it now. the guy tells me about casa caracol, the snail house, the youth hostel in town. not in my lonely planet guide. i get there, and nick the owner tells me to get myself a rough guide guidebook. but anyway, i can relax now.
later that day, i find out that the ferry is 260 euros to the canary islands, and doesnt leave until saturday. 5 days away... no way.
so tomorrow, i will take a bus to seville, a little backtracking, but only an hour and a half away, and then i take a plane to tenerife, the island where i will be for at least one month, probably 2. one month at the wwoof farm, and then there is carnaval and a rainbow gathering.
i am happy that i came here to cadiz to this hostel because there are so many great people staying here. i feel like i am on vacation. i am not the one sweeping the floor, folding the laundry...and i dont have to wake up at anytime, so i can stay out until 4 in the morning. which is what i did. i went with 5 or 6 people to reggae night at this bar. we danced, drank a little beer, and met some other travellers. i actually met a guy from colorado there. crazy.

so, this is how i do it. and i like it. tomorrow i have no idea what will happen. i know there is a woman, with 3 kids, and 2 other wwoofers. and a 1 hour time difference. i have directions to get to the farm. i dont know how it will be, what i will be doing. but i think i will be warm, and i know i will be on an island. thats all i need to know for now.

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