Wednesday, January 24, 2007

greetings from the funny farm...
so i´ve been here on the island of Tenerife for about 2 weeks now, wwoofing of course, at what i have just begun to call the funny farm. i wouldn´t say it´s bad here, just kinda funny. there are 4 1/2 other wwoofers too. How can there be half a wwoofer? Well, Willow doesn´t do that much work, but he does do some, he feeds nitrogen to banana plants all over the farm, and he´s really good with a hammer. But the thing is that he´s not even 2 years old yet. I´ve been having a really good time hanging out with him, and he reminds me of my little friends from the Elm Tree, and i am remembering how much i love to be with children. But unfortunately for me, he and his parents left today for the next wwoof farm, leaving just 3 of us.
But it doesn´t make the funny farm any less funny, well maybe a little, he is a pretty funny guy. I can´t really explain why it´s a funny farm, but let me just emphasize that by funny i mean crazy. I think of the song Manic Monday, even on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
It´s nice though, there are plenty of avocados from the farm, and bananas sometimes. These are the 2 main crops being grown. We have a nice big salad everyday, all grown on the farm. And i´m making friends with the chickens, and planting seeds, and the other wwoofers are cool, so it all balances out.
wwoofing is just so awesome. you call someone up and ask if you can come, you ask a few questions, talk for a few minutes, and then all of a sudden you´re living together for a month, and you barely know each other, but 9 times out of 10, it really works out. Okay well 8 times out of 10 it really works out, 1 time it doesn´t work at all, and 1 time it´s just a little weird, but good. These statistics should not be taken as fact.
So, 2 more weeks here, and then i don´t know, Carnaval. Yes, i think i will take a vacation from wwoofing for about 10 days to put on costumes and party. Well maybe not all 10 days, but until i get tired or realize that i should start saving my money so i can get off this island in March, which is when i think i will go back to the mainland of Spain.
who knows though?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow C, this sounds great. I cant imagine what your world is like, maybe something from a surrealist painting. I know you are doing well, and someday maybe, I will see you too. I was thinking about coming to Italy in the summer, maybe we could meet up?