Monday, March 09, 2009

I'm a mommy now! I got on my bike, rode to the nursery, and picked out 4 cute little chicks to take home:

This black one is a Plymouth Barred Rock. She is the leader of the rebel army (lora). she was the first to start jumping up to the edge of the brooder... trying to escape. She a good little chickie though.

This yellow chick with the puffy cheeks is an Auracauna. I'm calling her Tuk-Tuk for now becuase she looks like a chipmunk (it makes perfect sense to me)

Here's the Buff Orpington. When you think of chicks, this is what you probably imagine, little yellow ball of fuzz. I've been calling her Roobie, because she is as loud as a rooster. Well, not quite, but she chirps the most and the loudest.

This brown stripey one is a Speckled Sussex. You can see she's got a lot more feathers than the rest of the chicks because she's a few days older than the rest of them. She's definitely the bossiest of them all, maybe because she is the oldest. I'm not sure what her name will be. Maybe Sparrow.... but all of their names might change when they get a little older, and i get to know them a little better.

So the woman working at the nursery, gave me a little box to put them in, which i wrapped in a towel, and put on my bike. Then i rode home as fast as i could (about 5 minutes at the most), so i could get them in their brooder, under their heat lamp, which i already had on. When they're first born, they need it at least 90 degrees.

They've got food and fresh water, and sawdust to walk around on. They're pretty easy to take care of. I talk to them, and pick them up so they get used to being human friends.

The only thing i have to be careful of is Sebastian...

... my kitty... i am keeping the chicks in my room so i can keep the door closed, all kitties out! But I bring Sebastian in every once in a while, vigilantly supervised, just so he can learn that they are friends, not food or toys. Not that he will really learn, but it's fun to watch him watch them.

The funniest thing about the chicks is how they are just walking around doing their thing, and then all of a sudden, they just all fall asleep, sometimes standing up.


My next job is to build a chicken coop. I've got about 7 weeks to get it finished, i mean, started, and then finished.

1 comment:

brit! said...

hello dearest friend!
i am still reading your blog and so glad you are updating it so i know what you've been doing all of this time. congratulations on your brood! they are just the sweetest, most precious little peeps in the world. you're gonna be a great mommy. oh, and happy birthday by the way. what a great way to celebrate :) you gift will be in the mail tomorrow afternoon...finally. see you in T minus 83 days, and yes, i am counting- that's how excited i am! eeeeep eep eeep.