Thursday, May 24, 2007

What's Strange Now....

is that i can understand what people all around me on the streets are saying

is that stores are open on sundays, and in the nightime, AND in the middle of the day

is that people have been living their lives as they always have been while i've been gone

is that the world has not ended even though i am missing a front tooth at the moment

is that all of a sudden i have money again because of a nice thing called a tax refund, which means i can go see bjork!!!! in washington state this weekend!! (i know i AM crazy. but it's bjork. and i also get to see my good friend brit who lives in seattle.)

is that i'm here and i'm not feeling lost like i thought i might...

is that i live in this country which is so big it covers 4 time zones

and i grew up here in Virginia, and even though i have been in more than half of the states, i still have not really explored so much of this one.

What's Not Strange Now...

is that i miss all the amazing people i met in europe

is that i am really enjoying being alone...having a house all to myself(my mom is out of town for a week) i was travelling alone, but i was never ever really alone

is that i love having all my music and clothes and books and art supplies and driving a car

i am still thinking that i would like to create a community with some good people, so now i'm choosing to do things that will help me realize this vision. maybe it won't happen for a few years, so that gives me learn some more, get some more experience growing food, talk to people who have done this before, find more good people who want to do this, make some money, and i would like to work with children in nature. so i'm going to find an internship or job at an alternative school or camp where children are learning holistically, experientially, and close to the earth.

until then, i've got some dancing to do

and i turned on my cell phone

and just because i'm not technically traveling anymore doesn't mean my adventures are i'm gonna keep blogging i think, so if you're curious, check in here sometimes. oh.... and let's give you some pictures now.


Anonymous said...

You lost a front tooth?

Anonymous said...

As of this Sunday I'm officially going to be your neighbor. Clearly this means that you should call me. And don't go gallivanting off to the far reaches of the Earth before I have a chance to move in now, okay? - B