Sunday, February 22, 2009

i know it has been a while since i last blogged. but it's hard to feel inspired to write when i'm not travelling. that's what this blog was originally for. i went off galavanting, gardening, and hitchhiking in europe. i was in a new city, sometimes country, every few weeks. I was meeting new people constantly, and not knowing where i would be next month. This gave me a lot to write about.
Now, I've been settling into one room in one house in one city with the same 5 people for the past 8 months. I am still meeting new people and learning new things, but I just can't bring myself to write about being a nanny 2 days a week. I could, but I can't write a whole blog entry about the new words Soren is saying everyday, and that he can ride on the see-saw now, which he couldn't really do a couple months ago.
I could write about volunteering at In Other Words, the non-profit, volunteer-run, feminist bookstore a few blocks from my house, and I guess i could write about how it almost had to close, and is still struggling to stay open, but we're doing a pretty good job raising money...but not a whole blog entry.
I could write more about the baby in my house, but really all i could say is how cute he is, and that he's getting bigger all the time. Really all he does is eat, sleep, poop, and cry. But he's so cute when he does all those things. He's 12 weeks old now.

There are a lot of things I could say, but I just haven't felt like this is the right place to say them.

There is a happy ending to this story.
I have found inspiration. A reason to blog.
Spring is on its way. This means my housemates and I can start gardening. We've actually already started some leeks and onions! Luckily, we have pretty mild weather here in portland, oregon.

So, we may be only renting our house, but we're putting a lot of energy into our backyard. It all started when we asked our landlord if we could increase the size of our yard by using the driveway behind our fence. It is his property, but he doesn't need it anymore since he was using it to build some townhomes next to our house, so he said we could take down the fence if we wanted to. So Ian and Thimble have been working hard moving the fence around to give us a yard that feels twice as big. This gives us room for much bigger garden beds, so we can grow a lot of vegetables and herbs and flowers. It also gives us room for a firepit, maybe a little pond, and my favorite part: a chicken coop for a few chickens!

So this is what my blog is becoming now: documentation of our backyard homestead. You will begin to see before and after pictures of our yard, pictures of baby chicks and grown up chickens, the things we build, and other general gardening pictures. I'll be writing more often now, I promise!
Hope you enjoy!