Wednesday, June 25, 2008


hey all, sorry i've been such a slacker with this blog thing, but i am finally inspired to write you a little update on my adventures. (well, maybe it's not so little!)

So last time i wrote to you from Austin, Texas about my enlightening experience in New Orleans.

Oh, that seems so long ago. It's been a long 2 months, long in a great way!
Austin was hot and sweaty, but altogether a wonderful city. If I were going to live in Texas, I'd live there. There's a huge spring-fed pool right in the city, and it was refreshingly freezing cold on the hottest day of the year (so far). It was really easy to ride a bike around the town; there were lots of parks; and there is a lot of great music there. I stayed with my friend Julia (who i knew in Boulder) and ate a lot of breakfast tacos from the taco stand.

I made a stop for a few days in San Antonio where my grandparents, cousins, and aunt and uncle live. My cousin Steve was a great host, and even though i have to admit that San Antonio is one of the last places i could live (mostly because of all the driving and the sprawl), i had a great time with my family.

Then i made my way to Arkansas to see my dad and other grandmother and aunt and uncle. It was very relaxing and good to see that my family there are all doing really well.

After a few days in Arkansas, I made a beeline for northern Virginia. There is nothing like coming home (to my mom's house) after traveling, whether it's been one month or 8 months. I wouldn't want to travel any other way, but it would be a lie to say that it is not a little challenging and tiring to do what i do, constantly changing my surroundings, always a guest in somebody's home. Although i do believe i have become an expert in this field, i still love me some quiet, alone time to cook whatever food i want in my own (or my mom's own) kitchen, sleeping in as long as i want, not needing to coordinate my schedule with anyone else's.

So a few days at my mom's house recharged me. Then the true reason for coming back to Virginia was to go to my friends' wedding on the farm that i had worked on. It was a beautiful wedding under a tree in the cool spring evening, and then a great night of drinking and dancing with good friends, followed by a laid-back day of pond-swimming, pig roasting, and catching up with people. I also got to spend a couple days with my little friend Eoin, who is saying at least 5 times as many words as when i left him 2 months ago.

He and his mom, Georgia, and I drove up to New York City. I stayed with them in Georgia's parents' apartment on the Upper West Side, and then i drove up to Vermont to see a friend i had met in New Orleans. It was nice to need a sweater during the day in the lush Vermont mountains, and remember when i lived there almost ten years ago.

I then drove down to Rochester, New York to see my good friend Brit, who i also knew in Boulder. I spent a week there with her and her boyfriend, JP. We went hiking and swimming, watched movies, played Bananagrams (a speed scrabble game), ate yummy food, and saw some live music. I also took a short trip to Ithaca to see this place i had heard so much about. I did some camping and hiking there too.

Off to Chicago, to stay with my good old friend, Devin!, and his girlfriend Abby! for about a week. We did all kinds of fun things like going to the farmer's market, making a chair, watching "That Darn Cat!" (the original version, which i really recommend), going to the Contemporary Art museum, and eating a lot of rice and rice products :) I also took a little day trip up to Milwaukee to see my friend Mark, who i knew on the farm.

This brings me up to here and now, in Boulder, Colorado sitting on a couch in my old house, with Sebastian, the best kitty in the world. I've been here for a few days now, and it is so nice to be here! Sitting on my porch, riding my bike wherever i need to go, seeing old friends (although there aren't a lot left)... My old roommate, Amelia, is still here in this house, but not for long, as she is going to Africa in a week and a half. Then there will be nobody left in this house that i know.

In five days, my mom and i will be going to Hawaii, for a good friend's wedding. Then i will be driving to San Francisco to see some people, and then up to Portland, Oregon to find a job and a place to live. And it looks as though i'll be having a road buddy who will also be moving to Portland with me. I'll give you some hints: he's got thumbs, he takes a lot of naps, he's black, and white...need more? he's got whiskers and a big fluffy tail. Sebastian! the kitty! I know it's a little crazy, but since when have you known me to do things the normal way.

I'll try to write more often.

Also, thank you to everyone who's hosted me in the past few months and making me feel at home, and everyone who supports me in my adventuresome lifestyle.

Oh, and Go Obama!! You know one of the reasons I love Obama: he reminds me that a good president is one who inspires and motivates and gives the power to the people to make their country how they want it to be. And let me tell you, it is time for some change around here.